Bert Fenber
Sense of Music

Bert Fenber does not fulfill the usual expectations and clichés of a singer-songwriter. He is not one of the many young musicians who come and often leave. With a PhD in American Studies, studies at the University of Münster and 20 years as a journalist for major German media, he is rather an exception...

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My newest song

-Angel Angel-

My Songs

Angel Angel (NEU)


Sounds of Berlin


Love on the Edge


Some Days

Rebel of Love


Good Seeds



Lighter Life



Bert Fenber signed a label contract with Calygram.
Jochen Ringl (Verband deutscher Pressejournalisten) promotet die Songs und Top Talent Promotions vertritt Bert Fenber in England.

Bert Fenber erhielt in den USA in dem anerkannten Musikmagazin „Tunedloud“ meanwhile two contributions about his songs. In the attached Hitradio came „Golden Trees“, „No Return“ und „Bright Eyes“ in die Rotation. In MusikNah Bert Fenber was reviewed in the same way as in the US magazines Jamsphere and Just Fame. The Westälischen Nachrichten reported so far two times about him. In addition, there are various reports in online press media, e.g. stadt 40. Radio appearances have included BBC 1, major American radios and Radio Luxembourg.